Table of Contents

Have you ever heard about a luxury cruise, where people are health-conscious, happy and supportive, chefs are serving unlimited amounts of delicious raw food, lectures are filled with profound and simple truths, and where you can swim, sunbathe or explore the surrounding nature as much as you desire?

Usually these kind of adventures would only happen in my dreams, but in June 2017 destiny led me to experience it for real! I made huge leaps towards my health and happiness, overcame many of my fears connected to opening up and showing my physical body, and even experienced deep romantic love for the first time in my life! It was the most magical and awesome trip I’ve ever had and I’m happy to share it with you as well.

Manifestation of a free lottery ticket

I’ve been on a conscious health journey for over 4 years now, but there are still a lot of unanswered questions when it comes to my body. When I discovered veganism and the power of living foods, I became free of most of my minor health problems like acne, excessive sweating, big skin rashes (was allergic to my sweat), frequent colds and feeling like crap, but I still haven’t overcome my gut inflammation (along with eczema), scoliosis and deeper neurological issues connected to my spinal injury.

I had felt stuck for a very long time, not knowing what to do next to heal my body. Taking your health into your own hands and doing experiments is not for the weak-minded, because the whole Matrix system is trying to suppress your innate power and most of the people are not really supportive of you doing something different than them. We have to be courageous and find the answers from within ourselves and that takes a lot of commitment.

Knowing that the power to change my life lies deep within me, I made a strong decision to finally move ahead, let go of the unneeded crap, and use my magnificent mind to call the universe to guide me towards the right path. After I felt that I had suffered enough, I had an intention that I will heal no matter what and there is nothing that could stop me.

On the 4th June I saw a dream where I found a magical device from the bottom of a lake. The screen showed a mathematical puzzle which needed the right number to be solved. A friend of mine (whose real birthday is on 4th April!) recommended me to use the number four and thanks to trusting him, I won over 400 000 euros. I felt extremely happy when I woke up and I knew that the dream had an important message, but I didn’t know what it was until an unbelievable surprise.

A couple of days after my birthday (I got 25 years old) I woke up in the morning with sleepy eyes and checked my e-mail. “Congratulations! You won the free ticket to our Raw Vegan Cruise in Croatia.” At first I couldn’t react at all because it seemed so random and unreal that I thought it was just a software bug or something. But when I went on Facebook to see people congratulating me, I slowly started to accept the truth and it felt AWESOME!

After thinking about it for a while, I realized the meaning behind the dream I had. It all started to make sense, even though it’s pretty crazy. The magical device came from the water (cruise) and all the numbers were connected. I heard that I had a 4th place in the lottery table and I realized that the cruise would begin on 24th June. I then bought my flight tickets and realized that the plane would took off on Thursday and come back to Estonia on 4th July (and I didn’t even pay attention to this at first, just chose the best price). And on top of that, my destiny number is also 4 (13.06.1992)! I haven’t usually been a huge numerology fan, but there is too much synchronicity to be just a coincidence.

Opening that leads to kindness wherever I go

Feeling gratitude and excitement with all my heart, I finally flew to Croatia two days sooner than the cruise would begin. A very kind and cheerful host came to pick me up from the airport and drove me to the hostel Marina in Trogir. I liked that everyone were positive and friendly wherever I went. Like attracts like, but I guess the sunny places have usually more happy people than in the north.

Oh how I enjoyed the abundance of sun and all the beautiful places near the coasts. I felt very happy and healthy even on the first day, because it was so warm and my body had been missing the sun for most of my life. It was even too hot for me, so I had to overcome one of my greatest limitations and fears which is revealing my deformed and skinny legs. I put on my short pants and just went outside to openly show my uniqueness to the world around me. What a discovery and transformation that was!

I got a confirmation that our confidence is not limited by how we look, but how bravely we show and open ourselves. I used to always have this weird anxiety going on when I moved around people, but when I revealed my legs and acted out of love instead of fear, I suddenly became very confident and connected to myself. I used to think that my legs were making me insecure, but it was actually the hiding that made me like this. When you become vulnerable and just accept yourself as you are instead of being afraid of other people’s reactions, you will feel good and powerful!

Just after a few minutes I attracted a beautiful and kind lady who started to have a conversation with me and it was very enlightening. She was more open than most people I am used to meet in Estonia, and that interaction taught me a lot about connection. Once again I felt certain that showing my true colors and opening myself to others makes life a really wonderful adventure!

Paradisiacal and mind-opening cruise

The raw vegan cruise was fantastic from the moment I got on the boat. I felt a very loving energy coming from all over the place and I was happy to know that I could eat as much raw food as I wanted. In Estonia I always had challenges with not getting enough calories, greens or ripe fruits, so this was a great freedom for me. I could basically order whatever I wanted on top of the regular delicious meals that were served, or have simpler food combinations for my digestion.

One of the best parts of the cruise was to connect with awakened people from all around the world. I was happy to practice my English speaking skills, broaden my worldview and have deep and healing connections that gave me a lot of inspiration to move forward in life and start creating more YouTube videos and blog articles to make a difference in the world. And I was also very glad to help other people in need: one sweet woman even told me that I helped her to overcome depression and suicidal thoughts. This cruise was so amazing that it literally saved lives!

The beautiful Croatian islands and cities were also amazing sights to see. One of the coolest places was the National Park of Krka, where people were swimming near the waterfalls and everything was surrounded by the gorgeous greenery. I also liked the 230-foot-long sea organ in Zadar that turns the rhythms of the waves into actual music!

My favorite activity was swimming in the mineral-rich water which was very healing to my body and mind. I actually have a pretty deep bedsore on my buttocks at the moment so it was one of the most important things to help me recover. My body also lacks minerals and swimming is the best opportunity to absorb all the essential minerals through the skin. But the biggest transformation happened thanks to the courage to even go swimming, because one of my greatest fears has been showing my half-naked body to other people, and I managed to do that for the whole week! After a while it seemed so natural and easy that I didn’t even remember why I’d been so afraid all these years.

It truly was a paradise!

The magical eye connection and the best summer night of my life

And now comes the best part… even though it was already more than I could ever imagine. When we were eating lunch in the middle of the cruise I spontaneously started to look into the eyes of one lovely German girl called Natascha. At first it was just an exercise for opening the heart and learning to connect, which was sometimes a bit uncomfortable and sometimes so funny that it was hard to stop laughing, but the more we did it the deeper it became.

Later she told me that I hadn’t been actually her type, but when she was looking into my eyes, she just felt this powerful and deep love between us that she forgot all of her previous thoughts and limitations. We touched our souls in such an amazing way that we couldn’t stop gazing and hugging for almost an hour. Time stopped completely and the thoughts of other people in the room didn’t matter anymore. It was like pure ecstasy in my body, but better than any psychoactive drug is capable of doing. The energies were flowing so intensely that even others felt the whole room vibrating and getting filled with love and happiness. I just don’t have enough words for it…

It was the final day of the cruise. We decided to have a talent show for the evening so that everybody could open their hearts and say or do whatever their souls wished. I went all out and performed four songs in different languages and showed everyone who I truly am inside. I also talked about my challenges and goals, which was full of courage and inspiration, and I was very happy to see that I could touch other people’s hearts so strongly. Finally I felt that my mission on the boat was accomplished! It was also wonderful to see everyone acting like a true family and showing their feelings about the whole journey, being filled with hope and positive energy for the challenging times to come.

After everybody went to sleep and prepare for the departure in the morning, I patiently waited for Natascha to come upstairs and continue our lovely connection. The stairs reminded me of a scene in Titanic where Jack takes the hand of Rose and kisses it, so I wanted to do exactly the same thing. And for some reason we also decided to go to the front of the deck and lay down on the couch, looking at the stars above us. It was unbelievable how romantic and magical it turned out to be!

We were looking into each other’s eyes again, even more beautifully than the previous times, and we slowly started to get closer and closer. At first I hesitated to kiss her, because a part of me had a challenging time to accept and receive all this deep love I’d never experienced before, and I told her it was like jumping into the water, but when she said “Fuck fear!”, I got so much powerful energy that I finally jumped without any second thoughts.

Oh what a night that was! A night without any sleep, just pure magic. Actually our bodies wanted to sleep, but the connection felt so amazing that we didn’t want to close our eyes. And it was also our final day together on the cruise, so we really cherished every moment of it.

It still feels like a dream, but I’m extremely happy to know that it was all real and my life has really changed! That had been one of my biggest dreams and it’s so incredible how it came alive. I had never experienced anything like that before the cruise and I had actually been happy to accept that this would never happen in this lifetime (although I knew it would), because I love my life so much that I can appreciate whatever I have in this moment! And I’m so grateful that it actually took so long, because I can really feel what it’s truly worth – every connection with a woman is a priceless gift from the universe.

Determined to heal and run

When I came back home to see my family, I was so full of energy that I hadn’t smiled and talked so much to them in a long time! Connecting with my family and opening myself has been one of the biggest challenges in life, but this time it was simple as walking in the park! It’s fantastic how a few days can change a man completely. Getting on that cruise ship was the most magnificent gift I’ve ever had and it really transformed my life!

I’m more determined than ever before to heal myself and eventually run a marathon. Everything I need is within me, getting ready to explode. I will rise up and become a legend, starting with this blog post and many videos to come!



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